2025 Leeds Piano Trail Festival
The Leeds International Piano Competition is pleased to bring back the Leeds Piano Trail.
Seven pianos (including one at the Merrion Centre), have been transformed by local artists and will return to the city-centre on the following dates:
• Monday 20th January (am only)
• Monday 10th – Friday 14th February
• Saturday 15th March

Animating prominent locations, the Piano Trail provides a catalyst for the people of Leeds and its visitors to come together. With opportunities for everyone to get involved, from local musicians to newbie pianists, it is intended as a gift to the city!
The team encourage audiences to explore Leeds – with the Piano Trail Festival designed to take approximately one hour to walk around, connecting communities and igniting a passion for music along the way.
Come join in the ‘Day of Play’ fun
Developed in partnership with LeedsBID, a permanent Leeds Piano Trail will ensure our city-centre pianos are available year round and will be animated by the amazing Leeds based musicians of our city during a ‘Day of Play’ on the first Saturday of each month.
Find out more at leedspiano.com

Get Social With Leeds Piano Trail…
To hear about scheduled performances or head to our piano on the main mall to have a play for yourself keep an eye on…
Facebook: facebook.com/leedspianotrail
Twitter: twitter.com/leedspiano
Instagaram: instagram.com/leedspianocompetition
YouTube: youtube.com/leedspianocompetition
#LeedsPianoTrail #LeedsPianoCity #LeedsInspired